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[专家学者] 深圳大学高分子材料与工程王雷









Rank: 1

发表于 2017-7-30 08:46:51 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

职务:        院长
职称:        教授
办公电话:        0755-26538537(O) 0755-26032055 (H)
EMAIL:        wl@szu.edu.cnwangleid1977@yahoo.com.cn
姓名 王 雷
性别 男
出生年月 1977.11
籍贯 山东莱芜
民族 汉
政治面貌 九三学社市委委员
学历 博士
职称 教授
专业 高分子化学与物理
婚姻状况 已婚

1999.7—2001.9    曲阜师范大学化学系,本科
2001.9—2004.3    中国科学院广州化学所高分子材料专业,硕士
2004.3—2006.7    中国科学院广州化学所高分子材料专业,博士
2006.7—2007.10   深圳大学材料学院 讲师
2007.10—2011.12  深圳大学材料学院 副教授
2011.11—       深圳大学材料学院 教授
2015.01—       深圳大学材料学院 副院长(主持工作)
2015.12—       深圳高分子材料及制备技术重点实验室主任
2016.05—       深圳大学材料学院 博导
2016.05—       深圳大学材料学院 院长
2016.10—       南山区人大常委

1. 有机热电材料的制备与性能研究
2. 燃料电池质子交换膜材料的研究
3. 超纯耐高温特种工程塑料的制备研究
4. 高支化聚合物的合成与性能研究

1. 2016 腾讯优秀教师
2. 2015 深圳大学优秀硕士研究生指导老师
3. 2015深圳大学中层考核优秀
4. 2013 深圳大学教学成果奖一等奖
5. 2012深圳大学第四届优秀本科课堂教学奖二等奖
6. 2012深圳大学学术创新奖二等奖
7. 2012 深圳大学优秀指导老师(指导2010 广东省大学生创新实验项目)
8. 2011 深圳市杰出青年基金
9. 2011 深圳大学学术创新奖三等奖
10.2011 深圳市优秀班主任
11. 2011 深圳大学考核优秀
12. 2010 深圳大学第三届优秀本科课堂教学奖二等奖
13. 2010 优秀实习指导老师
14. 2009 深圳大学第二届青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖
15. 2009 深圳大学考核优秀
16. 2009 深圳大学十佳青年之友
17. 2009深圳大学材料学院2008年挑战杯最具亲和力老师
18. 2009 深圳大学材料学院2008年挑战杯优秀指导老师
19. 2008 深圳大学考核优秀
20. 2006中国科学院三好学生
21. 2006中国科学院优秀毕业生
22. 2006中国科学院广州化学所研究生奖学金
23. 2005中国科学院广州化学所研究生奖学金
24. 2004中国科学院院长优秀奖
25. 2004中国科学院广州化学所研究生奖学金
26. 2003 中国科学院优秀团员
27. 2003中国科学院广州化学所研究生奖学金
28. 2002广东省直属机关优秀团员
29. 2002中国科学院研究生院优秀奖学金

1. 深圳市高分子协会常务理事
2. 深圳青年科协常务理事
3. 广东省青年科协理事
4. 中国化学会会员
5. 九三学社深圳市委委员
6. 九三学社南山区委员
7. 深圳市科协委员

1. 2016届毕业生:谢惠雄获2106届广东省优秀毕业生、2016届优秀毕业研究生、2014-2015届优秀研究生、2014年研究生国家奖学金、2014年腾讯创始人创新奖和2015年好日子奖学金;
2. 2016届毕业生:尹碧波获2016届优秀毕业研究生、2015年研究生国家奖学金、2015年松山湖奖学金;
3. 2016届毕业生:赖春花获荔园论坛优秀论文一等奖、材料学院第一届学术报告大赛三等奖;倪江鹏获材料学院第一届学术报告大赛二等奖。
4. 2015届毕业生:李俊杰获2015届优秀毕业研究生和优秀毕业论文、2013-2014优秀研究生奖、2012-2013届优秀毕业研究生三等奖;
5. 2015届毕业生:陶丹获2014-2015优秀研究生奖。
6. 2014届毕业生:贾小乐获2013年研究生国家奖学金、2014届优秀毕业生。
7. 深圳大学201 0年挑战杯课外学术科技作品竞赛2个二等奖,1个三等奖
8. 深圳大学2009年度实验室开放基金项目一等奖
9. 深圳大学2009年度实验室开放基金项目二等奖
10. 深圳大学2008年度实验室开放基金项目二等奖
11. 深圳大学2007年挑战杯课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖


1. 2016-2017,高性能支化梳型磺化聚芳醚膜材料的制备与性能研究,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,负责人,10万
2. 2015-2016,高效氨基酸有机硅液体肥,项目转化,中山骏业佳特农业科技有限公司,负责人,60万
3. 2015-2016,激光标记使用的颜料及复合材料研制,横向项目,深圳市富程威科技有限公司,负责人,20万
4. 2016-2017,高支化聚苯并咪唑作为高温膜材料的制备与性能研究,深圳市科技计划项目,负责人,30万
5. 2016-2017,深圳高分子材料及制备技术重点实验室,(000015)深圳市科技计划重点项目,实验室主任,300万
6. 2014-2015,高支化梳型磺化聚芳醚膜材料的制备与电池性能研究(JCYJ20130 329105010137),深圳市科技计划重点项目,负责人,50万
7. 2012-2014, 高性能燃料电池质子交换膜的制备与电池性能研究,(JC20110 42100070A),深圳市杰出青年基金项目,负责人,60万
8. 2012-2013,高性能聚噻吩衍生物/无机复合热电材料的制备与性能研究,深圳市国家基金配套项目,负责人,10万
9. 2011-2013,高性能聚噻吩衍生物/无机复合热电材料的制备与性能研究(51003060),国家自然科学基金,负责人,20万
13.2007,部分含氟磺化聚芳醚质子交换膜的研制(200702),深圳大学博士启动项目 200702,负责人,2万。
14.2009-2011,纳米复合结构高性能热电材料的制备及应用研究,深圳市重点实验室提升项目, (CXB200903090012A) 主要完成人,120 万
15.2009-2011,导电高分子/无机纳米复合热电材料制备及应用研究,深圳市基础研究项目,项目编号:JC200903120109A,主要完成人,10 万

1.  Ansheng Liang, Xiaoyan Zhou, Wenqiao Zhou, Tao Wan, Luhai Wang, Chengjun Pan*, and Lei Wang*, Side-Chain Effects on the Thermoelectric Properties of Fluorene Based Copolymers, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2017, DOI: 10.1002/marc. 201600 817. IF: 4.638 (JCR1)

2.  Xiaoyan Zhou, Chengjun Pan*, Ansheng Liang, Lei Wang*, Wai-Yeung Wong, Thermoelectric properties of composite films prepared with benzodithiophene derivatives and carbon nanotubes, Composites Science and Technology, 2017, 145, 40-45. IF: 3.897 (JCR1)

3.  Xiaojun Yin, Guohua Xie, Yuhao Peng, Bowen Wang, Tianhao Chen, Shuqi Li, Wenhao Zhang, Lei Wang* and Chuluo Yang*, Self-doping cathode interfacial material simultaneously enabling high electron mobility and powerful work functions tunability for high-efficiency all-solution-processed polymer light emitting diodes, Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 1700695 (1 of 9). IF: 11.382 (JCR1)

4.  Boping Zhang, Jiangpeng Ni, Xiongzhi Xiang, Lei Wang*, Yongming Chen*, Synthesis and properties of reprocessable sulfonated polyimides cross-linked via acid stimulation for use as proton exchange membranes, Journal of Power Sources, 2017, 337, 110-117. IF: 6.333 (JCR1)

5.  Ansheng Liang, Xiaoyan Zhou, Wenqiao Zhou, Chunhua Lai, Chengjun Pan*, and Lei Wang*, Enhanced ZT value of poly(9,9-di-n-octylfluorene-alt-benzothiadiazole) and SWNTs thermoelectric composites by doping with FeCl3, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2017 minor revision. IF: 3.850 (JCR2)

6.  Dong Liu, Jiamin Li, Jiangpeng Ni, Xiongzhi Xiang, Bin Liu* and Lei Wang*, Simulation of the degradation process of poly(arylene ether ketone)s containing alkylsulfonated side chains used as a proton exchange mmembrane, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 8994-9001. IF: 3.289 (JCR2)

7. 胡美韶, 倪江鹏, 刘丹青*, 王雷*, 支化型聚苯并咪唑高温质子交换膜的制备与性能研究, 高分子学报, 2017, 3, 1-8. IF: 0.677 (JCR4)

8.  Huixiong Xie, Dan Tao, JiangpengNi, Xiongzhi Xiang, Chunmei Gao*, Lei Wang*, Synthesis and properties of highly branched star-shaped sulfonated block polymers with sulfoalkyl pendant groups for use as proton exchange membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 2016, 497:55-66. IF: 5.506 (JCR1).

9.  Dong liu, Dan tao, Jiangpeng Ni, Xiongzhi Xiang, Lei wang*, Jingyu Xi, Synthesis and properties of highly branched sulfonated poly(arylene ether)s with flexible alkylsulfonated side chains as proton exchange membranes, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 6(4):1326-1335. IF: 4.696 (JCR1)

10. Jiangpeng Ni, Meishao Hu, Dong Liu, Huixiong Xie, Xiongzhi Xiang* and Lei Wang*, Synthesis and properties of highly branched polybenzimidazoles as proton exchange membranes for high-temperature fuel cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4(21):4814-4821. IF: 4.696 (JCR1)

11. Chen Zhao, Bin Liu*, Xiaoman Bib, Danqing Liua, Chengjun Pana, Lei Wang*, Yi Pang*, A novel flavonoid-based bioprobe for intracellular recognition of Cu2+and its complex with Cu2+for secondary sensing of pyrophosphate, Sensors and Actuators B, 2016, 229, 131-137. IF: 4.01(JCR1)

12. Huixiong Xie, Dong Liu, Xiongzhi Xiang, Caizhen Zhu*, Lei Wang*, Preparation and properties of highly branched sulfonated poly(arylene ether)/polyacrylonitrile composite materials as proton exchange membranes, Journal of Materials Science, 2016, 51(15): 7119-7129. IF: 2.371 (JCR2)

13. Bibo Yin, Lihong Yu, Bo Jiang, Lei Wang*, Jingyu Xi*. Nano oxides incorporated sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) membranes with improved selectivity and stability for vanadium redox flow battery, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 2016, 20: 1271-1283. IF: 2.446 (JCR2)

14. Chunhua Lai, Junjie Li, Xiongzhi Xiang, Lei Wang*, Danqing Liu*. Effects of side-groups on the thermoelectric properties of composites based on conjugated poly(3,4-ethylenedi oxythiophene methine)s with low bandgaps, Polymer Composites, 2016, DOI: 10.1002/pc.23913. IF: 1.632(JCR3)

15. Chunhua Lai, Junjie Li, Chengjun Pan*, Lei Wang*. Preparation and characterization of Bi2Te3/graphite/polythiophene thermoelectric composites, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2016, 45(10): 5246-5252. IF: 1.798 (JCR3)

16.梁安生, 李俊杰, 潘成军*, 王雷*, 窄带隙聚噻吩衍生物复合热电材料的制备及其热电性能, 高等学校化学学报, 2016, 37(6), 1161-1167. IF: 0.950 (JCR4)

17. Xiong-Zhi Xiang, Wen Ya Gong, Ming-Sheng Kuang, Lei Wang*, Progress in application and preparation of silver nanowires, Rare Met. (2016) 35(4):289-298, IF: 1009(JCR4)

18. Xing-Shi Li, Xiong-Zhi Xiang*, Lei Wang, Xiao-Jun Bai, Conductivity and mechanical properties of conductive adhesive with silver nanowires Rare Met. (2016) IF: 1009(JCR4)

19. Bibo Yin, Zhaohua Li, Wenjing Dai, Lei Wang*, Lihong Yu*, Jingyu Xi*, Highly branched sulfonated poly(fluorenyl ether ketone sulfone)s membrane for energy efficient vanadium redox flow battery, Journal of Power Sources, 2015,285,109-118. IF: 6.217 (JCR1).

20. Huixiong Xie, Dan Tao, Xiongzhi Xiang,Yangxing Ou, Xiaojun Bai, Lei Wang*, Synthesis and properties of highly branched star-shaped sulfonated block poly(arylene ether)s as proton exchange membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 2015,473,226-236. IF: 5.506 (JCR1)

21. Junjie Li, Chunhua Lai, Xiongzhi Xiang, Lei Wang*, Synthesis and characterization of poly-Schiff bases with a donor–acceptor structure containing thiophene units as thermoelectric materials, Journal of Material Chemistry C, 2015, 3: 2693-2701. IF: 4.696 (JCR1)

22. Junjie Li, Chunhua Lai, Xiaole Jia, Lei Wang*, Xiongzhi Xiang, Cheuk-Lam Ho, Hua Li, Wai-Yeung Wong*, Effect of Electron Donor/Acceptor Substituents on the Seebeck Coefficient and Thermoelectric Properties of Poly(3-methylthiophene methine)s/Graphite Composites, Composites Part B-Engineering, 2015,77,248-256. IF: 2.983 (JCR2)

23. Dagang Wang,Yuao Su, Dazhu Chen, Lei Wang*, Xiongzhi Xiang, Deliang Zhu, Preparation and characterization of poly(3-octylthiophene)/carbon fiber thermoelectric composite materials, Composites Part B-Engineering, 2015, 69, 467-471. IF:2.983 (JCR2)

24. Gaili Yang, Rui Zhang, Huahua Huang,* Lixin Liu, Lei Wang* and Yongming Chen*,  Synthesis of novel biobased polyimides derived from isomannide with good optical transparency, solubility and thermal stability, RSC Advances, 2015,83 ,67574-67582.

25. Yanhui Cui, Andrew P. Baker, Xin Xu, Yan Xiang, Lei Wang, Marino Lavorgna, Junwei Wu*, Enhancement of Nafion based membranes for direct methanol fuel cell applications through the inclusion of ammonium-X zeolite fillers, Journal of Power Sources 2015,294, 369-376.

26. Jingyu Xi*, Zhaohua Li, Lihong Yu, Bibo Yin, Lei Wang, Le Liu, Xinping Qiu*, Liquan Chen, Effect of degree of sulfonation and casting solvent on sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) membrane for vanadium redox flow battery, Journal of Power Sources 2015,285, 109-118

27. Huixiong Xie, Duan Wang, Dan Tao, Lei Wang*, Synthesis of highly branched sulfonated polymers and the effects of degree of branching on properties of branched sulfonated polymers as proton exchange membranes, Journal of Power Sources, 2014,262(4):328-337. IF: 6.217  (JCR1)

28. Junjie Li, Lei Wang*, Xiaole Jia, Xiongzhi Xiang, Cheuk-lam Ho, Wai-Yeung Wong*, Hua Li, Preparation and thermoelectric properties of diphenylaminobenzylidene-substituted poly(3-methylthiophene methine)/graphite composite, RSC Advances, 2014, 107,  62096- 62104.  IF:3.708  (JCR3)

29. Lei Wang*, Dan Tao, Xiongzhi Xiang, Guangming Zhu, Synthesis and Preliminary Properties of Novel Poly(aryl ether)s Containing beta-Naphthalene Pendant Group, Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 3535-3540. (JCR4)

30. Dan Tao, Xiongzhi Xiang, Lei Wang*, Synthesis and Charaterization of Novel Poly(arylene ether)s Proton Exchange Membrane with Sulfonic Groups Attached onto Pendent Naphthyl Ring, Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2014,1(1), 328-334.  IF: 0.677, (JCR4)

31.李俊杰,贾小乐,王大刚,王雷*,聚苯胺/石墨/碳纳米管复合热电材料的制备与表征.材料导报,2014, 28(4):37-41.

32. Zhaohua Li, Le Liu, Lei Wang, Jingyu Xi*, Xinping Qiu*, Liquan Chen, Characterization of sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone)/poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) composite membrane for vanadium redox flow battery application, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 272, 427-435. IF:5.211 (JCR1)

33. Lei Wang*, Xiaole Jia, Dagang Wang, Preparation and thermoelectric properties of polythiophene/multiwalled carbon nanotube composites, Synthetic Metals, 2013, 181:79-85. IF: 2.109 (JCR2区)

34. Weiqing Xia, Caihua Xiao, Xiaole Jia, Lei Wang*, Synthesis and properties of Soluble Polyimides Containing Naphthalene in the Side Chain, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2013, 34, 2655-2660. IF: 0.856.

35.王大刚,王雷*,王文馨 等, 聚噻吩及其衍生物热电材料研究进展. 材料导报,2012, 26(4):74-79.

36. Dagang Wang, Lei Wang*, Wenxin Wang, et al. Thermoelectric properties of Polythiophene/MWNT composites prepared by ball-milling, In Proceedings SPIE Volume, 8409(2012).

37. Lei Wang*, Ke Li, Guangming Zhu, Junqin Li, Preparation and properties of highly branched sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone)s doped with antioxidant 1010 as proton exchange membranes, Journal of Membrane Science  2011, 379, 440-448,  IF: 4.093 (JCR1区)

38. Lei Wang*, Dagang Wang, Guangming Zhu, Junqin Li, Fred Pan, Thermoelectric properties of conducting polyaniline/graphite composites, Materials Letters 2011, 65,1086-1088. IF: 2.307 (JCR2区)

39. Lei Wang*, Dagang Wang, Guangming Zhu, Junqin Li, Synthesis and properties of highly branched sulfonated poly(arylene ether)s as proton exchange membranes, European Polymer Journal, 2011, 1985-1993.  IF: 2.562  (JCR3区)

40. Lei Wang, Guangming Zhu, Junqin Li, Chunmei Gao*, Synthesis and characterization of partially fluorinated poly(fluorenyl ether ketone)s with different degrees of sulfonation as proton exchange membranes, Polymer Bulletin,2011, 66 (7), 925-937. IF:1.332

41. W.Q. Ao, L Wang, J.Q. Li, Pan Fred, C.N. Wu, Synthesis and Characterization of Polythiophene/Bi2Te3 Nanocomposite Thermoelectric Material, Journal of Electronic Materials,  2011, 40, 2027-2032   

42. J.Q. Li, S.P. Li, Q.B. Wang, L Wang, F.S. Liu, W.Q. Ao, Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of the PbSe1-xTex alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011,13, 4516-4519  IF:2.726  (JCR1区)

43. S.P.Li, J.Q. Li, Q.B. Wang, L Wang, F.S. Liu, W.Q. Ao, Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of the (GeTe)(1-x)(PbTe)(x) alloys, Solid State Science, 2011, 13, 399-403. IF:1.679   

44.王大刚,王雷*,白晓军, 等. 聚(3-烷基噻吩)的合成与应用研究进展. 功能高分子学报, 2011,24(2);217-224

45.王雷,董春梅,王大刚,朱光明, 向雄志,含联二萘结构聚芳醚酮的合成与性能,深圳大学学报理工版,2011, 5, 440-443.

46.王雷, 王大刚, 敖伟琴, 朱光明, 潘锋, 李均钦,导电聚合物热电材料研究进展,高分子通报,2010,11,55-62

47. Lei Wang*, Shenglin Xiang, Guangming Zhu, Syntheses and Characterization of Sulfonated Poly(arylene ether sulfone) Containing Naphthyl Moiety as Pendent Groups for Proton Exchange Membranes, Chemistry Letters, 2009, 38 (10) 1004-1005 IF:1.594

48. Lei Wang*, Guangming Zhu, Synthesis and characterization of Partially Fluorinated Poly(arylene ether) Containing Sulfofluorenyl Groups for Proton Exchange Membranes, Polymer Journal, 2009, 41(9), 692. IF:1.496

49. Lei. Wang*, Guang Ming Zhu, Synthesis and characterization of novel poly(aryl ether)s containing naphthyl moieties, Chinese Chemical letters, 2009, 20(8), 965-968 IF:1.21.

50.王雷,舒东,朱光明,贾芳,一种耐高温憎水聚芳醚的合成与性能初步研究,高分子学报,2009,11,1162-1165. IF: 0.677

51.王雷, 戈早川, 朱光明, 汤胶宁, 材料学专业有机化学教学改革初探, 广东化工,2008, 35(6),152-154.

52. Lei Wang*,Guang-ming Zhu, Yue-zhong Meng, Chun-mei Gao, Synthesis and properties of sulfonated poly(arylene ether) containing triphenyl methane moieties from isocynate masked bisphenol,Chinese Journal of polymer Science 2007 25(4):419-426, IF: 1.27

53.王 雷, 孟跃中,高春梅, 朱光明,质子交换膜用磺化聚芳醚的合成与性能研究, 化学学报,2007,65,1403-1406  IF: 0.622

54.王 雷, 孟跃中, 王拴紧,朱光明,用于质子交换膜的磺化聚酰亚胺的合成与性能研究,高等学校化学学报,2007,7,1408-1410. IF: 0.856

55.王雷,朱光明, 王拴紧,高春梅,质子交换膜用部分含氟磺化聚芳醚的合成与性能研究,化工新型材料,2007, 5, 48-50. Times Cited: 1

56. Lei Wang, Guang-ming Zhu, A high oxidization stability polymer electrolyte designed for fuel cell, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis sunyatseni(中山大学学报(自然科学版)), 2007, 46, 7-8.



59. Lei Wang, Yuezhong Meng*, Xiuhua Li, Min Xiao, Shuanjin Wang, Allan.S. Hay,Oxidatively stable and highly proton conductive membrane frompoly (arylene ether)s containing biphenyl moiety as pendent groups,Journal of Membrane Science 280 (2006) 108-115. IF: 4.093. (JCR1区)

60. Lei Wang, Yuezhong Meng, Shuanjin Wang, Allan S. Hay, Properties of Sulfonated Poly(aryl ether)s Containing Tetraphenyl Methane Moieties for Proton Exchange Membrane Journal of Polymer Science: Part A, 2005,43,6411-6418. IF: 3.543. (JCR2区)

61. Lei Wang, Yuezhong Meng, Shuanjin Wang, Allan S. Hay, Synthesis and Sulfonation of Poly(aryl ether)s Containing Triphenylmethane and Tetraphenylmethane Moieties from isocynate masked bisphenols, Macromolecules, 2004, 37, 3151-3158. IF: 5.52.(JCR1区)

62. Lei Wang, Yuezhong Meng, Shuanjin Wang, Allan S. Hay, Synthesis and Sulfonation of Poly(arylene ether)s Containing Hindered Tetraphenyl Moieties  Journal of polymer science: Part A, 2004,42,1779 –1788, IF: 3.543.(JCR2区)

63.王雷; 朱光明; 李均钦; 苏禹尧; 贾小乐,一种聚席夫碱与无机复合热电材料及其制备方法,CN201210423911.6  CN102916120A

64.李均钦; 黎龙飞; 宋申华; 王雷; 刘福生; 敖伟琴,一种GeTe基复合热电材料及其制备方法,CN201210400957.6

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78.含双二氮杂萘酮的磺化聚芳醚及其制备方法和应用  200510033160.7孟跃中 陈玉林 王雷 王拴紧. 2006年6月14日授权.

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85. Synthesis and Sulfonation of Poly(arylene ether)s Containing conjugated phenyl Moieties  L. Wang , Y. Z. Meng, S. J. Wang, L. H. Kong ICEEM, Guangzhou, December, 2004

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发表于 2019-6-10 09:04:53 | 只看该作者

近日,我校材料学院王雷教授和黄扬博士在Advanced Energy Materials(影响因子:21.875)上发表题为“Strategies toward stable nonaqueous alkali metal-O2batteries”的综述性论文(10.1002/aenm.201900464)。深圳大学为论文第一通讯单位。




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